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United Kingdom

Renewco has been developing projects throughout the UK since the company was founded in 2021. Working across multiple technologies, our UK team have over 25 years of experience working within large scale renewable and grid infrastructure projects both in the UK and around the world. 

Our UK team has a strong track record in developing or delivering over 10GW and we are focused on growing our own pipeline of projects.  We believe strongly in collaboration and are always open to expanding our portfolio of co-development projects with the right development partner.  

We bring together development, technical, project structuring, construction, and financing experience to ensure we identify the right projects in the preferred locations for both communities and landowners.  

Irrespective of the technology of our project, we offer landowners and communities a genuine partnership that respects the current and future use of their land and community. We believe that at the heart of all successful renewable projects is a development which aims to mitigate global warming and benefit surrounding communities.

To deliver this mission, we are working with technology company, Bizgive, to develop an online platform which enables local communities to apply for funding for local projects that will deliver tangible and direct economic, environmental, social, and educational benefits as a result of the renewable energy projects we develop.


Our team is focused on developing and delivering large-scale hybrid and standalone wind, solar, and battery energy storage system (BESS) projects of more than 50MW across the UK. We are also exploring the deployment of the latest technologies such as Green Hydrogen.

UK flag.

Renewco UK


Start of development activity


Wind projects


Solar projects


Storage projects




Salisbury House, 1st floor, London Wall, EC2M 5SQ
12 Alva Street, Edinburgh, EH2 4QG
10 Newton Place, Glasgow, G3 7PR


Get in touch

We are interested in engaging with wind and solar asset owners, land-owners, developers and funders.

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