Following our last exhibition in February, the project team has reviewed the feedback received from the local community and consultees, undertaken further surveys, and progressed the design. Key information gathered since the previous consultation event includes noise monitoring at representative locations around the site and more detailed information on peat depths. The design of the solar PV element of the project has also been progressed and the location of the site substation (including the BESS) selected.
The updated proposals for M74 West Renewable Energy Park include:
· 22 wind turbines (approximately 165 MW)
· Solar PV panels (approximately 80 MW AC)
· Battery Energy Storage System (BESS), (50 MW capacity)
· Onsite substation
· Meteorological mast
· Internal access tracks
· Access direct to the site from the B7078, using the existing quarry access, and from the B740
· New access direct to the site from the M74 (southbound)
The project has a contracted grid connection to the proposed Redshaw Substation, which is being developed by Scottish Power Energy Networks [SPEN] on land adjacent to M74 West. It is proposed that the grid connection will be by underground cable.